Mechanical Engineering

Student working on a mechanical arm

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Master’s Plan A

There is a Master’s plan A for degree in Mechanical Engineering. Master’s plan A has these components: (1) prescribed course work, (2) research, (3) a master’s thesis, and (4) the oral defense of the master’s thesis with M.S. Degree Examination Committee.

Master’s Plan B

There is a Master’s plan B for degree in Mechanical Engineering. The Master’s plan B can be satisfied by either (1) course work only or (2) a combination of course work and M.S. project research.

Application process

Applications from students are due by the following dates and will be reviewed beginning:

Applications are all considered for financial aid and assistantships. Applications received by the above dates will receive the maximum consideration for this financial aid and assistantships.

Applicants must complete the following: