7 worksheets that can be used by students to check their compositions. Some points are taken from the Edexcel Music A level composition mark scheme but this can also be used by younger students that wish to compose a creative and varied piece of music.
Worksheets include ideas on: Melody, harmony, accompaniment styles, sonority, rhythm and texture.
These worksheets are also helpful for the students to identify different devices for the different elements of music, and in this way also revise for their listening and appraising exam.
A powerpoint in 2 formats: pptx and pdf. 7 slides with the same information as the worksheets.
Tes paid licenceHow can I reuse this?A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.
5 resources for Composition students including: 2 sets of composing tasks to create melodies and chord sequences, with different approaches: - Start with a chord sequence and then add a melody. - Start with a melody and then choose the chords. A composition check list for students to use while they are composing to a set brief or when they have finished. This gives them ideas to exploit the different elements of music, as well as thinking about audience and occasion. A songwriting powerpoint with a 7 week plan to create a portfolio of ideas as a starting point for composition. A composition guide for students to use as a starting point. Composition posters. Songwriting worksheets to plan a music project.
GCSE and A level Resources. Powerpoint presentations for all set works in 2 formats: PDF and pptx with slides that are useful for the complete teaching of the set works. All notes taken from The Pearson Support Guide. - Youtube videos - Analysis of each element - Questions to consider - Wider listening ideas with a task for students to complete. Wider listening ideas for all set works with points you can mention about in an essay. This can be used as a poster or handouts for your students. A basic summary of the main points you can mention about for the set works taken from The Pearson Support Guide. These are a starting point without bar numbers to be used for revision. Students should refer to their scores to put in context the examples. Vocabulary sheets for each set work with: -keywords -sheets for students to fill definitions - Sheets with definitions. Some exercise sheets that can be used as a starter activity of for home revision. Match the element of music to the correct sentences. for GCSE. Student booklets for GCSE set works. To be used alongside powerpoint. Composition resources with tips and tasks. Resources on the elements of music, focused for GCSE and A level Edexcel Music.