Organizational Restructuring Process & Templates to Help Plan

At various points in a company’s life cycle, an organizational restructuring will be necessary for growth, to accommodate a shift in company strategy, or to become more competitive. In the case of a merger or acquisition, for example, the company may restructure to focus on new lines of business. During a spin-off of one or more business lines, there will be restructuring implications for a range of front-line and support roles. Other kinds of restructuring strategies can include divestments, cost restructuring, or reorganization of the company’s legal structure. No matter the type of restructuring activity, there will be important implications for the company’s culture, processes, and employees.

When done right, a corporate restructuring can help unlock the potential of the organization and position it for greater growth

There is no shortage of news about organizational restructuring, as it is part of the life cycle of any organization and can impact companies in any industry. Restructuring can be as simple as changing reporting relationships across departments, and it can also include tweaking internal departmental structures or eliminating certain positions. Despite the reality that corporate restructuring is fairly commonplace, no organization is assured success. Research by McKinsey found that among surveyed business executives, 82 percent had recently undergone a significant change in organizational structure at either the corporate, functional, or business-unit level, but only 21 percent said their restructuring efforts had been successful.

When done right, a corporate restructuring can help unlock the potential of the organization and position it for greater growth. To get started on the path to success, here are some helpful tips to guide you through your next restructuring effort:

The Restructuring Process

The decision to undergo an organizational restructuring should not be taken lightly, nor is it a process that happens overnight. Whether you’re restructuring the entire company or a single division, there are some key steps you can take to support the successful planning and execution of the restructuring strategy:

Developing a Restructuring Plan and Timeline

A restructuring is likely to impact many parts of the business, and therefore, you need a plan that includes key considerations, such as:

Frequent and Consistent Communication

A restructuring can be neither thrust on the organization nor implemented without the full support of important company leaders and stakeholders. Restructuring activities should be clearly communicated among the leadership team, as well as with employees, prior to the restructuring, during it, and even after the restructuring has taken place. Some of the specific times when the company should communicate on the progress of a restructuring initiative include:

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Employee Feedback and Involvement

The many steps of the restructuring process are likely to go smoother when employees understand how their roles will be impacted by the restructuring. Companies can encourage employee feedback and healthy involvement in the restructuring process by:

Regular Follow-Up

Just as a merger is not fully complete immediately after legal entities have changed names or new teams have been formed, an organizational restructuring can have many follow-on issues and implications that will require regular follow-up. Whether there are teams that need new leadership or processes that need to be re-engineered after a key team has been reorganized, each restructuring effort will require that employees and managers tie up any loose ends created by the organizational changes that have taken place.

Elements of a Sample Company Restructuring Plan

Whether the restructuring plan is for a merger, spin-off, or firmwide downsizing, each plan should possess some key elements. For example, a sample restructuring plan should include the elements below to ensure all bases are covered.

Use our sample Restructuring Planning Chart below to help you get started.

Using the Company Org Chart to Plan for a Restructuring

The company org chart doesn’t just help you visualize the existing company structure. It can also help with planning and implementing a restructuring in a number of ways: