Creating Safe and Appropriate Napping Areas in Child Care

Napping is an important routine in child care. Most children in infant, toddler, and preschool programs will take regular naps while they are in child care. Setting up comfortable, predictable spaces for napping helps children relax and get the rest they need. The needs of napping children are different depending on age. Child care providers should set up napping areas to best meet the needs of the children in the classroom, based on the layout of the child care space. Here are some specific guidelines for effective napping areas for children of different ages.

Infant sleeping on back

Napping Areas for Infants

A designated napping area with individually labeled cribs is a necessity in any infant room. Infants have natural sleeping and waking rhythms, and child care providers should respond sensitively when infants need to sleep. It is important to recognize that sleeping schedules will be different for all infants.

The following guidelines will help ensure that nap time is safe in the infant room.

Napping child

Napping Areas for Toddlers and Preschoolers

For all children, a quiet, calming environment will help promote rest. Dimming lights and playing quiet music can help soothe children to sleep. White noise CDs or natural sounds like waves and the rainforest can also be great sounds for children to fall asleep to.

For More Information

For more information on naps and other routines in a child care setting, take a look at the following articles: