The businesses registered with the State of Utah are either located in Utah or doing business in Utah as a: Business Trust, Collection Agency, Corporation (For Profit and Non Profit), Professional Corporation, Doing Business As - DBA, Limited Liability Company - LLC, Limited Liability Partnership - LLP, Limited Partnerships - LP, Limited Cooperative Associations - LCA
Or Certificate of Good Standing is an official document issued by Utah validating that a business is authorized to transact business in Utah and that the company is in compliance with all state requirements.
Find and download PDF documents of the changes that have been recorded for this business; includes address changes and changes in the management team.
Look up all executives registered with a specific business such as Directors, Officers, Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Trustees, Applicants, Partners, Managers, and Members.
Find all businesses that an executive is connected to if the executive is registered in one of the following roles: Director, Officer, President, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee, Applicant, Partner, Manager, Member.