other degree purpose or published in any other from till date.
Signature of students:
Nikhil Prakash (Roll No. :1030021033)
Neeraj Kumar (Roll No. :10300217034)
Kumar Pushpam (Roll No. :10300217039)
Deepak Kumar (Roll No. :10300217053)
Sr. Particular Page No
1. An Introduction Exam System 5
2. Acknowledgment 6
3. Preface 7
4. Technologies Used - 8
Front End: Java (JFrame) 8
Back End: MS-Access 12
5. Software & Hardware Requirements 13
6. Requirements and Analysis of the Problem 14
7. The Need 15
8. System Design - 16
Back End Design 16
Front End Design 19
9. Coding -
10. Testing Phase 87
11. Deployment 90
12. Maintenance 92
13. Conclusion 94
14. Bibliography 95
The key to success in today’s complex IT environment is the
ability to manage the projects effectively and efficiently. The
module entitled “EXAM SYSTEM” has been developed with the
aim of providing a tool, which will prove efficient enough to
manage the examination and save the organization’s time as
well as resources. This project provides new facility to the
user and also helps them to save their time and money.
Project provides following facilities:
the Question Bank
The System has been primarily developed for the sake of
The System is completely controlled and used by Administrator
and Candidates.
The System is capable of handling different examinations.
The System simplifies and automates the process of assessment.
The System simplifies and automates randomized production of
Question sets.
The Administrator is allowed to enter the questions in question bank
according to requirement of different exams.
The personal information of the candidates is stored at the server site.
This information is available for reference to administrator and user at
any point of time.
Programs created in Java offer portability in a network. The source code is
compiled into what Java calls bytecode, which can be run anywhere in a
network on a server or client that has a Java virtual machine (JVM). The
JVM interprets the bytecode into code that will run on computer hardware.
In contrast, most programming languages, such as COBOL, C++, Visual
Basic or Smalltalk, compile code into a binary file. Binary files are platform-
specific, so a program written for an Intel-based Windows machine cannot
on run a Mac, a Linux-based machine or an IBM mainframe. The JVM
includes an optional just-in-time (JIT) compiler that dynamically compiles
bytecode into executable code as an alternative to interpreting one
bytecode instruction at a time. In many cases, the dynamic JIT compilation
is faster than the virtual machine interpretation.
java programs can run just about anywhere, although nuances sometimes
poked holes in that theory. In the early years of the Java programming
language, WORA was a common Java rallying cry, standing for "Write
Once, Run Anywhere," although some developers, with their tongues in
cheeks, whispered "WODE: Write Once, Debug Everywhere.” Java syntax
is often decried for being too verbose. Superfluous setters and getters and
strong typing tend to make Java programs look bloated. these issues,
including Groovy, which was quickly embraced by the Java community.
Java Basic Terminology
code in Java will be contained in a class.
function and return to where they were called from. It can either return
a value or not. This must be specified in the method header.
data structure. Names are user defined and using meaningful variable
names is the biggest pitfall of a lot of new and self taught
around. An object is a data abstraction or “blue print” for a data
structure. For example a employee object class had defined variables
for the name, ID and payrate as well as methods to calculate pay by
passing in hours worked. There's no specific information in this object
but when an instance of this object is created it is passed all of the
information it needs for each employee object created.
giving it meaningful values and creating a reference in memory to
where this object is located. This is done with the new keyword.
with an identical name to the class. This is the default method that gets
called when an instance is created. Typiclly you have multiple
constructors depending on the use, but keep in mind they have to have
different parameters or else Java doesn't know which one to use.
main method is public static void main(String args[ ])< >. You can have
many different classes within a program but only one main method.
The class with the main method is known as your main class. As a
beginning programmer most of your code is likely to be written in the
main method but as you get more experience you'll find the main
method only has a few calls to get the program started.
Accessibility and Flexibility
Exams can be conducted anywhere. All a student needs is a personal
computer. A student does not need a long commute to exam venue as long
as these requirements are met. Examiners do not have to bother with the
laborious task of marking exams as this is well taken care of by the system.
The system actually marks each exam and presents the result to the
student at the end of the exam. Examiners are also afforded the opportunity
to create exam through an examination system that can present
examinations in multiple languages. Multiple exams on multiple subjects for
multiple courses can also be set. Exams can also be configured for 24/
availability. This allows candidates to take exams at their own convenience.
Cost saving
When an exam is placed online, it results in significant cost savings. The
cost of paper, copying, and distribution expenses are all reduced or
eliminated. The elimination of paper costs alone is extraordinary. The
copying and distribution of assignments to a large class are often unwieldy
There are total of 5 tables used for storing the data in the backend.
They are as follows:
options and the answer key.
their details and marks obtained.
username Short Text Primary Key
password Short Text Not Null
c_id Number Primary Key
c_name Short Text Not Null
ID Number Primary Key
c_id Short Text Not Null
question Long Text Not Null
option_1 Short Text Not Null
option_2 Short Text Not Null
option_3 Short Text Not Null
option_4 Short Text Not Null
answer Number Not Null
ID Number Primary Key
c_id Number Not Null
time Number Not Null
mark_each Number Not Null
negtive_mark Number Not Null
number_of_questions Number Not Null
exam_name Short Text Not Null